Quality assurance
All PRVA members, be they agencies, companies or NGOs, comply with the highest quality standards. They fully endorse the PRVA’s high ethical standards. Many agencies and communication departments have developed their own quality assurance systems.
The Austrian PR Quality Seal introduced in March 2014 is the first common standard for communication professionals, established by PRVA in cooperation with PR Quality Austria.
This is what sets quality PR apart:
- Identifying and developing objectives and strategies in cooperation with (in dialogue with) clients
- Ideally this involves long-term consulting • Defining measurable objectives
- Implementing measures professionally and in time
- Reflecting social responsibility in all concepts, taking into account the Code of Athens, the Stockholm Charter and the PRVA Code of Honour
Quality in five respects:
- Communication focused on information and dialogue, employing appropriate communication means/instruments
- Performed by suitable and adequately trained staff
- Using human and financial resources responsibly
- Bearing in mind social responsibility, treating different audiences responsibly
- Accompanied by evaluation as a tool for directing future PR activities