Partner associations

PRVA is part of a network of Austrian and international associations established to promote exchange of experience.

Partner associations are legally independent entities that openly cooperate on a voluntary basis (linked websites with respective logos). Mutual membership on the basis of partnership is precluded. Partner associations primarily cooperate in issues relevant to the sector as a whole, expediently networking their full range of services and knowledge.
Cooperation can take on several forms, such as

  • Joint events, working groups, workshops, seminars 
  • Common positions 
  • Common rules of conduct (e.g. pitches)


The International Communications Consultancy Organisation ICCO, umbrella association and international representation for more than 1,500 PR agencies across the globe, facilitates worldwide exchange of experiences among members at the annual ICCO congresses and through the active online community, amongst others. Its aim is also to develop harmonised standards for professional PR practices and to establish these internationally. ICCO promotes and demands from its members quality in all respects, in business and in relation to ethics. ICCO endorses the internationally recognised Consultancy Management Standard CMS the criteria of which also apply to the accreditation of members in the PR Quality Austria agencies group.
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Die Deutsche Public Relations Gesellschaft e.V. (DPRG)

German Public Relations Associatio is run on a voluntary basis, representing professionals in communication and PR with currently more than 3,000 members across Germany.
Reinhardtstraße 19, 10117 Berlin - Mitte
T: +49 (0) 30 804 097 33
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Austrian Public Affairs Association (ÖPAV)

ÖPAV is open to public affairs professionals in companies, associations and NGOs, as well as to self-employed public affairs consultants. Its aim is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge within the sector, both nationally and at the international level, and to strengthen the position of the public affairs business in the public.
Vienna Business Park, Clemens-Holzmeister-Str. 4/1312, 1100 Vienna
T: +43 650 97 45 496
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