Ethics in PR

Public relations include all the conceptual and long-term measures PR agents need to take in exercising their rights and obligations towards society and the public with the objective of building and promoting mutual trust. PRVA members are committed to the PRVA Code of Honour and the principles of the Code d'Ethique International as adopted by the Conféderation Européenne Relations Publiques (CERP) during its general assembly in Athens on 11 May, 1965 (Code of Athens). Ethics Council: body of self-regulation established for PR

The Austrian Ethics Council for Public Relations was established as an instrument of voluntary self-regulation for PR experts in Austria. Its task is to monitor and promote compliance with ethical principles in public relations. Its activities are not only relevant for members of professional organisations in PR but apply to the entire PR sector in Austria, individuals and organisations alike. No charges apply. The “Austrian Ethics Council for Public Relations“ is supported by the host organisation “Verein Österreichischer Ethik-Rat für Public Relations“ (Association Ethics Council for Public Relations” based in Vienna.

The following organisations are members of the association:
